Quick Start
aqua is a CLI tool to install CLI tools with declarative YAML configuration. In this quick start, let's install aqua and install tools with aqua.
Please see Demo.
Install aqua
Please confirm if aqua is installed correctly.
aqua -v
If you want to try this tutorial in the clean environment, container is useful.
docker run --rm -ti debian:bookworm-20231009 bash
apt update
apt install -y curl vim
mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
export PATH="${AQUA_ROOT_DIR:-${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/aquaproj-aqua}/bin:$PATH"
curl -sSfL -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aquaproj/aqua-installer/v3.0.1/aqua-installer
echo "fb4b3b7d026e5aba1fc478c268e8fbd653e01404c8a8c6284fdba88ae62eda6a aqua-installer" | sha256sum -c
chmod +x aqua-installer
Create a configuration file
Create a configuration file by aqua init
aqua init # aqua.yaml is created
aqua.yaml is created.
# aqua - Declarative CLI Version Manager
# https://aquaproj.github.io/
# checksum:
# enabled: true
# require_checksum: true
# supported_envs:
# - all
- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
is still empty, so let's add packages to install them.
Install tools with aqua
Let's install GitHub Official CLI and fzf with aqua.
Add packages to aqua.yaml
aqua g -i cli/cli junegunn/fzf
Packages are added to the field packages
- name: cli/cli@v2.38.0
- name: junegunn/fzf@0.43.0
Then run aqua i
aqua i
Congratulation! Tools are installed correctly.
$ command -v gh
$ gh version
gh version 2.38.0 (2023-11-01)
$ command -v fzf
$ fzf --version
0.43.0 (d3311d9)
aqua installs tools in ${AQUA_ROOT_DIR}