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- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry

- name: helm/helm@v3.7.0
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
- import: aqua/*.yaml

Configuration File Path

aqua searches the following configuration files.

  1. --config (-c) option (environment variable AQUA_CONFIG
  2. \.?aqua\.ya?ml or \.?aqua/aqua\.ya?ml from the current directory to the root directory. If configuration files are found in the multiple directories, aqua read all of them
  3. global configuration: environment variable AQUA_GLOBAL_CONFIG

To install tools in global configuration files, you have to set -a to aqua install command.

Environment variables

$ env AQUA_GENERATE_WITH_DETAIL=true aqua g cli/cli
- name: cli/cli@v2.2.0
description: GitHub’s official command line tool

JSON Schema

Configuration attributes


inline_registry was removed from aqua >= v0.9.0. Please use local registry.



- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry

Registry types

standard registry


- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
  • ref: the Registry Version. Please check Releases

This is equivalent to the following definition.

- name: standard
type: github_content
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: aqua-registry
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
path: registry.yaml

You can also specify a commit hash as ref.

- type: standard
ref: 0d1572334a460e5a74f2a6455e510d8a4d6c8e93

Don't specify a branch name as ref, because aqua treats the ref as immutable.

- type: standard
ref: main # Specify a tag or commit hash

local registry


- name: local
type: local
path: registry.yaml
- name: home
type: local
path: $HOME/aqua-registry.yaml
  • name: Registry name
  • path: The file path. Either absolute path or relative path from aqua.yaml. If path starts with $HOME + OS specific path separator such as '/', it's replaced with the home directory path

Please see Configuration (registry.yaml).

github_content registry


- name: foo
type: github_content
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: aqua-registry
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
path: registry.yaml
  • name: Registry Name
  • repo_owner: Repository Owner name
  • repo_name: Repository name
  • ref: Repository tag or commit hash. Don't specify a branch name as ref, because aqua treats the ref as immutable
  • path: file path from the repository root directory



- name: helm/helm
version: v3.7.0 # renovate: depName=helm/helm
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
registry: standard
  • name: (string, optional) package name. If import isn't set, this is required
    • format: <package name>[@<package version>]
  • registry: (string, optional) registry name
    • default value is standard
  • version: (string, optional) package version
  • import: (string, optional) glob pattern of package files. This is relative path from the configuration file. This is parsed with filepath.Glob. Please see Split the list of packages too.
  • tags: Filter installed packages. Please see Filter packages with tags
  • update: The setting for aqua update command
    • update.enabled: If this is false, aqua update command ignores the package. If the package name is passed to aqua up command explicitly, enabled is ignored. By default, enabled is true.

The following two configuration is equivalent.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
registry: standard
- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
version: v1.42.1

When you want to update the package with Renovate, the first style is better because you don't have to write code comments for Renovate's Regex Manager.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
version: v1.43.0 # renovate: depName=golangci/golangci-lint

If the package name in the code comment is wrong, the package version is changed wrongly.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
# depName is wrong!
version: v1.42.1 # renovate: depName=helm/helm

On the other hand, you can prevent such a miss configuration by the first style.