Lazy Install
Let's change the version of GitHub CLI and execute it.
# Change cli/cli version to v2.1.0
sed -i "s|cli/cli@.*|cli/cli@v2.1.0|" aqua.yaml
gh version
$ gh version
INFO[0000] download and unarchive the package aqua_version=2.16.4 env=linux/arm64 exe_name=gh package_name=cli/cli package_version=v2.1.0 program=aqua registry=standard
gh version 2.1.0 (2021-10-14)
You find that cli/cli@v2.1.0
is installed automatically.
You don't have to run aqua i
We call this feature Lazy Install
Note that Lazy Install
doesn't work if the symbolic link isn't created in ${AQUA_ROOT_DIR}/bin
About Lazy Install, see also Reference.