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Registry Style Guide


If you develop your custom registry, you don't have to conform to this style guide. But the guide would be useful to write good and consistent configuration.

Format with prettier

$ npm i -g prettier
$ prettier -w registry.yaml

Remove spaces in the template {{ and }}


asset: tfcmt_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}.tar.gz


asset: tfcmt_{{ .OS }}_{{ .Arch }}.tar.gz

Remove characters .! from the end of the description


description: A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub


description: A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub.

Trim spaces


description: A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub


description: "  A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub  "

Remove unneeded quotes of strings


description: A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub


description: "A command-line tool that makes git easier to use with GitHub"

Avoid if and for statement in templates


asset: foo.{{.Format}}
format: tar.gz
- goos: windows
format: zip


asset: 'foo.{{if eq .GOOS "windows"}}zip{{else}}tar.gz{{end}}'

version_overrides Style Guide


# Latest setting
version_constraint: semver(">= 5.0.0")
- version_constraint: semver(">= 4.0.0")
# ...
- version_constraint: semver(">= 3.0.0")
# ...
- version_constraint: semver("< 3.0.0") # Oldest setting

If the format is raw, files[].src isn't needed


format: raw
- name: swagger


format: raw
- name: swagger
src: swagger_{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}} # unneeded

Consideration about Rust

⚠️ The author @suzuki-shunsuke isn't familiar with Rust. If you have any opinion, please let us know.


linux: unknown-linux-musl
windows: pc-windows-msvc


linux: unknown-linux-gnu
windows: pc-windows-gnu

Use overrides instead of format_overrides


format: tar.gz
- goos: windows
format: zip


format: tar.gz
- goos: windows
format: zip

Don't use emojis as much as possible

In some environments, emojis are corrupted. e.g.


description: CLI and Go library for CODEOWNERS files


description: 🔒 CLI and Go library for CODEOWNERS files

Omit the setting which is equivalent to the default value

When repo_owner and repo_name are set, you can omit some attributes.


repo_owner: weaveworks
repo_name: eksctl


repo_owner: weaveworks
repo_name: eksctl
name: weaveworks/eksctl
- name: eksctl

Use aliases only for keeping the compatibility

Please see here

Use supported_envs rather than supported_if

Please see the caution.

Select type according to the following order

  1. github_release
  2. github_content
  3. github_archive
  4. http
  5. go_install
  6. go_build

For example, you can also use http type to install the package from GitHub Releases, but in that case you should use github_release rather than http.

cargo package name should be<crate name>

Please see here.