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This is a changelog of aqua-registry's development workflow. We have been improving the development workflow continuously. So sometimes the development workflow is changed.


We removed cmdx new from the guide. You can still use cmdx new, but if you have any trouble with cmdx new, you can create a pull request without cmdx new.

Why did we remove cmdx new from the guide?

cmdx new is a task to create a pull request for a new package. This is useful, but some users faced troubles in cmdx new because this tightly depends on users environment.

#26113 #27461 #29759 #29797

  • Whether users fork aquaproj/aqua-registry
  • The value of git remote get-url origin
  • Git authentication
  • The status of gh auth login
    • User may not login
    • Users may use multiple GitHub accounts and they may have to switch GitHub accounts

cmdx new runs git push and gh pr create commands internally, but these commands might fail due to several reasons. cmdx new wraps the detail, making it hard to resolve the trouble. Users don't know the detail of cmdx new, so it's hard for them to resolve the trouble. It's hard for maintainers to support all user trouble.

What cmdx new does is very simple. cmdx new just creates a pull request with good pull request title and description. Users can create a pull request easily without cmdx new. And we can give up good pull request title and description, though it's undesirable.


#23171 #23188 #23191 #23192

The behaviour of cmdx s, cmdx t, and cmdx new were changed.

cmdx s

  • cmdx s fails if commit.gpgSign isn't enabled
  • cmdx s fails if files in pkgs are changed before scaffolding files
    • This validation prevents unrelated changes from being committed
  • cmdx s creates a feature branch feat/<package name> from the remote branch before scaffolding code
    • This prevents old scripts from being executed as much as possible
  • cmdx s commits scaffolded codes
    • This enables us to distinguish scaffolded code from manual changes
  • cmdx s doesn't connect to a container when test fails
    • This is a change of cmdx t. cmdx s runs cmdx t internally

Please don't edit the commit by git commit --amend, git rebase, or somehow. cmdx s creates a commit to distinguish scaffolded code from manual changes. Please add new commits if you update code.

cmdx t

  • cmdx t doesn't connect to a container when test fails
    • If you want to connect to the container, you can do it by cmdx con <os> <arch> command
    • In most cases you don't have to connect to a container, so we changed the behaviour

cmdx new

  • cmdx new doesn't create a branch and a commit anymore
    • If you change code manually, you have to commit it before running cmdx new
  • cmdx new fails if files in pkgs or registry.yaml has changes
  • cmdx new fails if the current branch isn't feat/<package name>
  • You can omit the argument pkg
    • cmdx new gets the package name from the current branch name