aqua doesn't support installing aqua
aqua doesn't support installing aqua.
You shouldn't write the configuration to install the command aqua
with aqua,
because it causes the infinite loop.
From aqua v0.8.6 (aqua-proxy v0.2.1), aqua prevents the infinite loop.
# Create the symbolic link accidentally
$ ln -s ~/.local/share/aquaproj-aqua/bin/aqua-proxy ~/.local/share/aquaproj-aqua/bin/aqua
$ aqua i
[ERROR] the command "aqua" can't be executed via aqua-proxy to prevent the infinite loop
If you encounter the error [ERROR] the command "aqua" can't be executed via aqua-proxy to prevent the infinite loop
remove the symbolic link $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin/aqua
$ rm $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin/aqua