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Lazy Install

Lazy Install is a feature that aqua installs a tool when the tool is executed if the tool version isn't installed yet.

The following example shows GitHub CLI is installed when gh version is executed.

$ gh version
INFO[0000] download and unarchive the package aqua_version=1.19.2 package_name=cli/cli package_version=v2.1.0 program=aqua registry=standard
gh version 2.1.0 (2021-10-14)


  • You can install tools that really needed
  • You don't have to run aqua i to update packages
  • You can ensure executed tool versions

Disable Lazy Install

#2058 aqua >= v2.9.0

Lazy Install is enabled by default, but you can disable it with the environment variable AQUA_DISABLE_LAZY_INSTALL.



If Lazy Install is disabled, the command would fail if the package isn't installed in advance.


$ tfcmt -v
FATA[0000] aqua failed aqua_version= doc="" env=darwin/arm64 error="the executable file isn't installed yet. Lazy Install is disabled" exe_name=tfcmt package=suzuki-shunsuke/tfcmt package_version=v1.0.0 program=aqua

Disabling Lazy Install is useful to improve the security and keep the governance. You can prevent malicious commands from being installed and executed via Lazy Install. And you can also prevent aqua.yaml from being overwritten.

This is especially useful for CI of Monorepo.

The purpose is same with aqua's Policy, but disabling Lazy Install is simpler than Policy.

How does Lazy Install work?


On Windows, aqua-proxy and symbolic links aren't used. Please see here

In this document we describe how the Lazy Install works. The Lazy Install is the aqua's characteristic feature, and maybe you feel it like magic.

By aqua i, aqua installs aqua-proxy regardless the aqua's configuration.

aqua-proxy -> ../pkgs/github_release/

And by aqua i, aqua reads the configuration file and creates symbolic links to aqua-proxy in $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin. The symbolic link name is the package's file name.

For example, by the following configuration symbolic links go and gofmt are created.


- name: local
type: local
path: registry.yaml

- name: go
registry: local
version: "1.17"


- name: go
type: http
- name: go # the symbolic `go` is created
src: go/bin/go
- name: gofmt # the symbolic `gofmt` is created
src: go/bin/gofmt
go -> aqua-proxy
gofmt -> aqua-proxy

Add $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin to the environment variable PATH. When go version is executed, $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin/go is a symbolic link to aqua-proxy so aqua-proxy is executed. Then aqua-proxy executes aqua exec passing the program name and command line arguments. In case of go version, aqua exec -- go version is executed. aqua exec reads the configuration file and finds the package which includes go and gets the package versions. aqua installs the package version in $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/pkgs if it isn't installed yet Then aqua executes the command $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/pkgs/http/ version.

$AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin is shared by every aqua.yaml, so maybe in aqua exec the package isn't found. Please comment out the package go and execute go version again.

- name: local
type: local
path: registry.yaml

# - name: go
# registry: local
# version: "1.17"

If the package isn't found in the configuration files, aqua finds the command from the environment variable PATH. For example, if the PATH is $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin, aqua checks the following files.

  1. $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin/go
  2. /usr/local/bin/go
  3. /bin/go

To prevent the infinite loop, aqua ignores the symbolic to aqua-proxy. $AQUA_ROOT_DIR/bin/go is a symbolic link to aqua-proxy, so this is ignored. If go is installed in /usr/local/bin/go, /usr/local/bin/go version is executed. If go isn't found, aqua exits with non zero exit code.