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Cosign and SLSA Provenance Support

  • aqua >= v1.26.0
  • aqua-installer >= v2.0.0

Japanese: Cosign と SLSA による aqua CLI Version Manager の Security 改善

aqua supports verifying aqua and packages with Cosign and slsa-verifier.


You don't have to install Cosign and slsa-verifier, because aqua installs Cosign automatically and slsa-verifier is embedded to aqua as Go library.

Getting Started

First, let's create a container to try this tutorial in clean environment.

docker run --rm -ti alpine:3.17.0 sh
apk add curl bash sudo
adduser -u 1000 -G wheel -D foo
visudo # Uncomment "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
su foo
mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
export PATH="${AQUA_ROOT_DIR:-${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}/aquaproj-aqua}/bin:$PATH"

Verify aqua-installer with checksum

You can install aqua by the following one liner.

curl -sSfL | bash

But the one liner is a bit dangerous because aqua-installer may be tampered.

You can verify aqua-installer with checksum.

curl -sSfL -O
echo "8299de6c19a8ff6b2cc6ac69669cf9e12a96cece385658310aea4f4646a5496d aqua-installer" | sha256sum -c
chmod +x aqua-installer

You have to update the checksum everytime aqua-installer is updated, but aqua-installer isn't updated so frequently.

Verify aqua

Let's install aqua with aqua-installer. aqua-installer verifies aqua with slsa-verifier.


Please see the log. You can confirm aqua is verified with slsa-verifier.

INFO[0001] verify a package with slsa-verifier           aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 new_version=v1.26.2 package_name=aquaproj/aqua package_version=v1.26.2 program=aqua registry=
Verified signature against tlog entry index 9918167 at URL:
Verified build using builder at commit d37dec79a9b96c85592eb24d69f9972cbd176f9a

If aqua is tampered the installation would fail.

Verify packages

aqua supports verifying packages with Cosign and slsa-verifier, but it requires the following things.

  1. A tool publishes signature or SLSA Provenance
  2. A package has settings for Cosign or SLSA Provenance

At the moment, there are very few tools publishing signature or SLSA Provenance, but we hope many tools publishes them in future.

Verify packages with Cosign

For example, tflint publishes signature in GitHub Releases.

And standard registry has a setting of cosign for tflint.


type: github_release
asset: checksums.txt
file_format: regexp
algorithm: sha256
checksum: ^(\b[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}\b)
file: "^\\b[A-Fa-f0-9]{64}\\b\\s+(\\S+)$"
cosign_experimental: true
- --signature
- --certificate

Let's install tflint. To verify checksum's signature, you have to enable Checksum Verification.

aqua init
vi aqua.yaml # Enable checksum verification
aqua g -i terraform-linters/tflint
aqua i

Please see the log. You can confirm Cosign is installed automatically.

INFO[0000] download and unarchive the package            aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 package_name=sigstore/cosign package_version=v1.13.1 program=aqua registry=
INFO[0008] downloading a checksum file aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 package_name=sigstore/cosign package_version=v1.13.1 program=aqua registry=

And tflint is verified with Cosign.

INFO[0002] verify a checksum file with Cosign            aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 package_name=terraform-linters/tflint package_version=v0.44.0 program=aqua registry=standard
tlog entry verified with uuid: fab3e75f7e01ac757d8ddab411a7fd0c8b35c4ea2d0cb31c4c5bfdbe7ac5cf42 index: 9877371
Verified OK

Verify packages with slsa-verifier

aquaproj/example-go-slsa-provenance publishes SLSA Provenance, so let's install it.

aqua g -i aquaproj/example-go-slsa-provenance
aqua i

Please see the log. You can confirm the package is verified with slsa-verifier.

INFO[0000] verify a package with slsa-verifier           aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 package_name=aquaproj/example-go-slsa-provenance package_version=v0.1.2 program=aqua registry=standard
Verified signature against tlog entry index 9476343 at URL:
Verified build using builder at commit 4581df55e03c5155801ad10b88b19e42f99d8861

If the package is tampered, the installation would fail. Let's try to install example-go-slsa-provenance v0.1.1, which was tamperred intentionally for the demonstration.

vi aqua.yaml # Change the version to v0.1.1
aqua i

Then the installation would fail expectedly.

INFO[0002] verify a package with slsa-verifier           aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 package_name=aquaproj/example-go-slsa-provenance package_version=v0.1.1 program=aqua registry=standard
Verified signature against tlog entry index 9476343 at URL:
ERRO[0004] install the package aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 error="verify a package with slsa-verifier: run slsa-verifier's verify-artifact command: expected tag 'refs/tags/v0.1.1', got 'refs/tags/v0.1.2': tag used to generate the binary does not match provenance" package_name=aquaproj/example-go-slsa-provenance package_version=v0.1.1 program=aqua registry=standard
FATA[0004] aqua failed aqua_version=1.26.2 env=linux/arm64 error="it failed to install some packages" program=aqua

Disable the verification with Cosign and SLSA Provenance

aqua >= v2.22.0 #2631 #2633 #2634


This feature is for users who can't use Cosign and slsa-verifier. Most users can use them so don't need this feature. aqua installs Cosign and slsa-verifier internally, so you don't need to install them yourself. If you can use Cosign and slsa-verifier, you should not disable them because they are important for security.

You can disable the verification with Cosign and SLSA Provenance.

Why is the feature needed?

Cosign and sla-verifier access some endpoints such as and So to use them you need to allow the access to these endpoints.

But in some use cases you can't or don't want to do that. For example, your company's network policy might not allow the access to these endpoints.

To resolve the issue, this issue proposes to support disabling the verification with Cosign and slsa-verifier.

How to disable Cosign and SLSA

You can use command line options -disable-cosign and -disable-slsa or environment variables AQUA_DISABLE_COSIGN and AQUA_DISABLE_SLSA.


aqua [-disable-cosign] [-disable-slsa] i

Disable Cosign and SLSA (aqua-installer)

aqua-installer >= v2.3.0

To disable the verification when you install aqua with aqua-installer, please use aqua-installer v2.3.0 or newer and set the environment variables AQUA_DISABLE_COSIGN and AQUA_DISABLE_SLSA.

- uses: aquaproj/aqua-installer@v3.0.0
aqua_version: v2.25.1

See also