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- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry

- name: helm/helm@v3.7.0
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
- import: aqua/*.yaml

Configuration File Path

aqua searches the following configuration files.

  1. --config (-c) option (environment variable AQUA_CONFIG
  2. \.?aqua\.ya?ml or \.?aqua/aqua\.ya?ml from the current directory to the root directory. If configuration files are found in the multiple directories, aqua read all of them
  3. global configuration: environment variable AQUA_GLOBAL_CONFIG

To install tools in global configuration files, you have to set -a to aqua install command.

Environment variables

$ env AQUA_GENERATE_WITH_DETAIL=true aqua g cli/cli
- name: cli/cli@v2.2.0
description: GitHub’s official command line tool

JSON Schema

Configuration attributes


inline_registry was removed from aqua >= v0.9.0. Please use local registry.



- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry

Registry types

standard registry


- type: standard
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
  • ref: the Registry Version. Please check Releases

This is equivalent to the following definition.

- name: standard
type: github_content
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: aqua-registry
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
path: registry.yaml

You can also specify a commit hash as ref.

- type: standard
ref: 0d1572334a460e5a74f2a6455e510d8a4d6c8e93

Don't specify a branch name as ref, because aqua treats the ref as immutable.

- type: standard
ref: main # Specify a tag or commit hash

local registry


- name: local
type: local
path: registry.yaml
- name: home
type: local
path: $HOME/aqua-registry.yaml
  • name: Registry name
  • path: The file path. Either absolute path or relative path from aqua.yaml. If path starts with $HOME + OS specific path separator such as '/', it's replaced with the home directory path

Please see Configuration (registry.yaml).

github_content registry


- name: foo
type: github_content
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: aqua-registry
ref: v4.155.1 # renovate: depName=aquaproj/aqua-registry
path: registry.yaml
  • name: Registry Name
  • repo_owner: Repository Owner name
  • repo_name: Repository name
  • ref: Repository tag or commit hash. Don't specify a branch name as ref, because aqua treats the ref as immutable
  • path: file path from the repository root directory



- name: helm/helm
version: v3.7.0 # renovate: depName=helm/helm
- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
registry: standard
  • name: (string, optional) package name. If import isn't set, this is required
    • format: <package name>[@<package version>]
  • registry: (string, optional) registry name
    • default value is standard
  • version: (string, optional) package version
  • go_version_file: (string, optional) aqua >= v2.28.0 #2632 A file path to go.mod or This field is used to get the version of go from go directive in go.mod or
  • version_expr: (string, optional) aqua >= v2.40.0 Please see here for details
  • version_expr_prefix: (string, optional) aqua >= v2.40.0 Please see here for details
  • import: (string, optional) glob pattern of package files. This is relative path from the configuration file. This is parsed with filepath.Glob. Please see Split the list of packages too.
  • tags: Filter installed packages. Please see Filter packages with tags
  • update: The setting for aqua update command
    • update.enabled: If this is false, aqua update command ignores the package. If the package name is passed to aqua up command explicitly, enabled is ignored. By default, enabled is true.
  • vars: (map of string) v2.31.0 #3052. Please see here
  • command_aliases: (array of objects, optional) v2.37.0 #3224: Aliases of commands. Please see here

The following two configuration is equivalent.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint@v1.42.1
registry: standard
- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
version: v1.42.1

When you want to update the package with Renovate, the first style is better because you don't have to write code comments for Renovate's Regex Manager.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
version: v1.43.0 # renovate: depName=golangci/golangci-lint

If the package name in the code comment is wrong, the package version is changed wrongly.

- name: golangci/golangci-lint
registry: standard
# depName is wrong!
version: v1.42.1 # renovate: depName=helm/helm

On the other hand, you can prevent such a miss configuration by the first style.