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Change the implementation of semver and semverWithVersion

#1572 #1573

The specification of semver and semverWithVersion are a bit changed. Some features such as ~ and ^ are removed. Spaces aren't treated as AND operator. For AND operator, you have to use comma ,.


>= 1.2 < 3.0.0


>= 1.2, < 3.0.0

We think almost expressions are compatible with new specification.

New specification of semver

<operator> <version>[, <operator> <version> ...]

Supported operators

  • >=
  • <=
  • !=
  • >
  • <
  • =

Support multiple constraints separated with comma ,. Multiple constraints are evaluated as AND comparison. Spaces are trimmed.

Why this change is needed

Prerelease versions aren't compared properly in version_constraint and version_filter. The comparison with prerelease versions is already evaluated as false. For example, we expect v1.1.0-1 is greater than v1.0.0, but the evaluation result of version_constraint is false.

This is due to third party library aqua depends on. aqua uses hashicorp/go-version's Constraints#Check. This function has the above bug. This is obviously a bug and there was a bug report, but maintainers closed the issue and seems not to fix it.

So I considered migrating hashicorp/go-version to another library such as Masterminds/semver. But unfortunately, Masterminds/semver has a same issue and the maintainer tells it's not bug.

So I'm considering reimplementing semver and semverWithVersion ourselves. For aqua, some operators such as ~ and ^ aren't needed.