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aqua >= v1.27.0

#1466 #1468 #1486

You can set private: true to private packages and registries. By default, private is false. If private is true, aqua skips sending HTTP requests to download assets, because the requests always fail. Even if the value of private attribute is wrong, you can install the registry and package.

e.g. aqua.yaml

- name: foo
type: github_content
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: private-repository
ref: v3.90.0
private: true # Private Registry
path: registry.yaml

e.g. registry.yaml

# init: a
- type: github_release
repo_owner: aquaproj
repo_name: private-repository
asset: 'foo_{{trimV .Version}}_{{title .OS}}_{{.Arch}}.tar.gz'
private: true # Private Package