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version_constraint, version_overrides

Some package attributes like asset and files may be different by it's version. For example, the asset structure of golang-migrate was changed from v4.15.0. In that case, the attributes version_constraint and version_overrides are useful.


- type: github_release
repo_owner: golang-migrate
repo_name: migrate
asset: 'migrate.{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}.tar.gz'
description: Database migrations. CLI and Golang library
version_constraint: 'semver("> 4.14.1")'
- version_constraint: 'semver("<= 4.14.1")'
- name: migrate
src: 'migrate.{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}'

version_constraint is expr's expression. The evaluation result must be a boolean.

Currently, the following values and functions are accessible in the expression.

  • Version: (type: string) The package version
  • SemVer: (type: string) The package version that version_prefix is trimmed from Version. For example, if Version is cli/v1.0.0 and version_prefix is cli/, then SemVer is v1.0.0
  • semver: (type: func(string) bool) Tests if the package version satisfies all the constraints
  • semverWithVersion: (type: func(constraint, version string) bool) Tests if the package version satisfies all the constraints
  • trimPrefix: (type func(s, prefix string) string) Go's strings.TrimPrefix

semver, semverWithVersion

See also Change the implementation of semver and semverWithVersion.


semver("> 4.14.1")
semver("> 3.0.0, <= 4.0.0")

semverWithVersion is used when we need to format Version:

semverWithVersion(">= 0.11.1", trimPrefix(Version, "cli-"))


<operator> <version>[, <operator> <version> ...]

Supported operators:

  • >=
  • <=
  • !=
  • >
  • <
  • =

Support multiple constraints separated with comma ,. Multiple constraints are evaluated as AND comparison. Spaces are trimmed. Constraints are evaluated using hashicorp/go-version.


The list of version override.


- version_constraint: 'semver("<= 4.14.1")'
- name: migrate
src: 'migrate.{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}'