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Template String

Some fields are parsed with Go's text/template and sprig.


The following sprig functions are removed for security reason.

Common Template Functions

  • trimV: This is equivalent to trimPrefix "v"

Template Variables

  • OS: A string which GOOS is replaced by replacements. If replacements isn't set, OS is equal to GOOS. Basically you should use OS for the consistency
  • Arch: A string which GOARCH is replaced by replacements. If replacements isn't set, Arch is equal to GOARCH. Basically you should use OS for the consistency
  • GOOS: Go's runtime.GOOS
  • GOARCH: Go's runtime.GOARCH
  • Version: Package version
  • SemVer: Package version that version_prefix is trimmed from Version. For example, if Version is cli/v1.0.0 and version_prefix is cli/, then SemVer is v1.0.0
  • Format: Package format
  • FileName: files[].name
  • AssetWithoutExt


#1774 #2310 aqua >= v2.13.0

AssetWithoutExt is a string that a file extension is removed from Asset.


    asset: aks-engine-{{.Version}}-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}.tar.gz
- name: aks-engine
src: "{{.AssetWithoutExt}}/aks-engine" # "{{.AssetWithoutExt}}" == "aks-engine-{{.Version}}-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}"

Omit Format in asset and url

#1774 #2314 aqua >= v2.13.0

The file extension is complemented if it isn't included in asset and url.


asset: foo # This is same with `foo.tar.gz` and `foo.{{.Format}}`
format: tar.gz

You can unify the setting of raw format and non raw format.


asset: kalker-{{.OS}}.{{.Format}}
format: zip
- goos: linux
format: raw
asset: kalker-{{.OS}}


asset: kalker-{{.OS}}
format: zip
- goos: linux
format: raw

You can disable the complementation by setting append_ext: false.

append_ext: false

By default append_ext is true.